The Nightly News Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum, East Lansing, Michigan, 2023 The American School in London, London, England, 2022
After the EndGreen-Wood CemeteryBrooklyn, New York2021
Before I DieNew Orleans, Louisiana and worldwide2011 – Present
Light the BarricadesAnnenberg Space for Photography, Los Angeles, California, 2019 Mint Museum, Charlotte, North Carolina, 2021
A Monument for the Anxious and HopefulRubin Museum of Art New York, New York 2018
Confessions Las Vegas, London, Athens, Minsk, and more2012 - Present
The Atlas of TomorrowMural Arts PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania2016 – Present
Grief Is a BeastLakkos Artist ResidencyHeraklion, Greece2017
School of the FutureOnassis Cultural CentreAthens, Greece2016
She Dreamed of a Place Called Fat CityArts Council of New OrleansNew Orleans, Louisiana2015
Love Destroys TimeExhibit BENew Orleans, Louisiana2014
Kissing, Crying, and Freaking Out in PublicDetour: Design RenegadeHong Kong2013
Looking for Love AgainAlaska Design ForumFairbanks, Alaska2011
Career PathFlux Aura / European Capital of CultureTurku, Finland2011
NeighborlandNew Orleans and nationwide2011 – 2023
I Wish This WasNew Orleans, Louisiana2011
Community ChalkboardsGlobal StudioJohannesburg, South Africa2007-2008
Sidewalk PsychiatryNew York, New York2006